Windows 11
Google home/Assistant Skill to teach young children maths. By embracing smart technology such as Amazon echo’s and Google Home’s. This skill was quite popular at the start but became less popular over time as bugs started to develop in the skill. This meant often the skill would crash.
Mr Maths was a flashcard based Maths quiz available on Alexa and Google Assistant in 2019 to early 2020. The skill was very similar to extra revision but had extra features such as profiles and levels to allow the users to have a unique experience.
Hibbert Home Tech was an Alexa skill I developed for a Youtuber named Paul Hibbert. This skill was around for around 2 years but left Alexa skill store after little use. This skill was designed to stream the latest video of Paul hibbert to users amazon echo devices.
Windows 11
Projects are Moving ...
Install HomeAssistant on DietPi